Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oil Me Please

With the arrival of our Greenland paddle we've felt the need to educate the virtues of a nicely oiled paddle. Even though it might take a bit more work an oiled paddle just feels so much better gripped in your hand. Here is a copy of the content on our 'Oil Me Please' page.

If you’ve purchased one of our oiled paddles please take care to keep up with its care. It’s really a simple and enjoyable process. Oil may be a bit more work, but it’s well worth it to have the very best paddle finish!

What to use? Tung Oil vs. Linseed Oil

Tung Oil: If you use Tung Oil make sure that what you buy has actual tung oil in it. Some products are sold as ‘Tung Oil Finish’ These are not actually tung oil. Look at the ingredients on the side of container. If it doesn’t say tung oil look somewhere else.

          Pros: Highest quality oil for finishing paddles.
          Cons: A little trickier to work with than is linseed oil. (Tends to gum up a little faster)
                   More expensive.

Linseed Oil: This is the cheapest and easiest to use.
          Pros: Easier to work with.
          Cons: Less water resistant. Poorer quality finish.

Application: Oiling a paddle is a very simple process.

Step #1: Make sure you have a smooth paddle surface. Lightly sand with a high grit sandpaper #220 or higher or #000 Steel  Wool until all surface particulates are gone. You’re not trying to sand into the oil too much. Just get the surface dust and dirt off.
Step #2: Wipe off dust with damp cloth.
Step #3: With a lint-free cloth wipe on oil.
Step #4: Wait about 10 minutes and wipe off excess oil with other side of cloth.

How often: The common rule here is…
   -Once a day for a week.
   -Then once a week for a month.
   -Then once a month for a year.
   -As need after that.

If you’ve purchased one of our oiled paddles we’ve done the ‘Once a day for a week’ for you. So continue from that point. I find it easiest to apply oil after every trip in the summer (I go on a trip about once a month) Also at the end and beginning of the season.

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